The Privileged Few: International Education Migration

This study situates the global trend of South to North migration for international education within historical and contemporary governmental approaches that have come to define the status quo in this field. A review of policies and programs that shaped international education during the colonial period and Cold War demonstrates that historically, this type of education has been institutionalized in connection with political and economic goals of Western powers. A further investigation of how the national governments of the United States of America, the United Kingdom, Australia and Canada and their international partners, the World Bank, the United Nations, the World Trade Organization and the European Union conceptualize and regulate international education today illustrates that the development of this type of education continues to be integrated within Western agendas of economic growth and national development.

Sinziana Chira
Degree: MA
Status: Completed
Supervisor: Pauline Barber
Department and University: Department of Sociology, Dalhousie University