Post-graduation Settlement Choices of International Graduate Students Attending Memorial University of Newfoundland: A Mixed Methods Study

International students, as skilled workers, are vital to the development of Newfoundland and Labrador. This study aimed to investigate the trends in these students’ post-graduation settlement plans, as well as the factors in their settlement decisions. The findings reveal that some aspects of life in Newfoundland and Labrador appeal to international students, including closeness to nature, clean atmosphere, and a gentle pace of life. However, though they extol the advantages of living in Newfoundland and Labrador, few of them decide to settle here permanently. Other factors such as the lack of meaningful connections, the lack of supports for accompanying spouses of international students, the lack of career opportunities in sectors other than oil and gas, and the lack of city amenities may push them to leave. Therefore, general policies are needed to improve these areas in order to make Newfoundland and Labrador more attractive to international students.

Hua Que
Degree: MA/MSc / Maitrise es arts/Maitrise es science
Status: Completed (2014)
Supervisor: Dr. Xuemei Li
Department and University: Faculty of Education, Memorial University of Newfoundland
Link to dissertation: