Open Method of Coordination

Project Description:

This study focuses on Local Immigration Partnerships (LIP), program and project assessments, and dissemination of promising practices. The goals of this project are to equip the Ontario Region of Citizenship Immigration Canada with a ‘tool’ for assessing the LIP initiative, disseminating promising practices and promoting innovation. As well, the study will assist in conducting objective, in-depth assessments of individual LIP strategies and action plans.  In addition, the proposed methodology allows the region to institute and manage a feedback process that would disseminate promising practices and institutionalize learning. The project seeks to test and adapt a model that was developed – and is being used – by the European Union to assess and improve anti-poverty and social inclusion programs.  It examines the feasibility of applying the European Union’s system of open coordination to LIP assessments. If feasible, this system will equip CIC and the LIPs with a tool for conducting objective, in-depth assessments of LIP strategies and action plans, and a feedback process for disseminating promising practices and institutionalizing learning.


Leads (Names and Cities of researchers):

  • Meyer Burstein, WCI, Ottawa, ON
  • Victoria Esses, The University of Western Ontario, London, ON
  • Adnan Qayyum, WCI, Ottawa, ON


Start Date: December 2010



  • Report on the application of techniques drawn from the Open Method of Coordination to assessing the LIP initiative, disseminating promising practices and promoting innovation
  • Presentations to stakeholders


Funder: Citizenship and Immigration Canada, Ontario Region


Pilot cities/sites (if relevant): N/A