Official Language Minorities’ Processes of Identification, Cultural Boundaries, and Status in Post-Secondary Institutions
My dissertation investigates how official language minorities define their identities, envision cultural boundaries, and experience bilingualism in postsecondary institutions. More specifically, this bilingual research project is a qualitative inquiry of Franco-Ontarians and Anglo-Quebecers who attend CEGEPS, colleges and universities in Ontario and Quebec. In order to explore identity processes, I explore: 1) how participants self-identify, 2) the language(s) of their civic engagement, 3) how they define who is French and English, 4) and the different implications of bilingualism in their lives.
Johanne Jean-Pierre
Degree: PhD
Status: Completed (2016)
Supervisor: Scott Davies
Department and University: Department of Sociology, McMaster University
Link to completed thesis: