Pathways to Prosperity 2023 Conference: Workshops – Presentations | Conférence nationale 2023 de Voies vers la prospérité: Ateliers – Les présentations

Monday, November 20, 2023
1:30 PM – 2:45 PM

A1 (en personne) – Apprentissages du projet pilote Communautés francophones accueillantes

Président: Inouk Touzin, Fédération des communautés francophones et acadienne du Canada (FCFA)

Le projet pilote Communautés francophones accueillantes (CFA), lancé en 2018, arrive à échéance en mars 2024, et nous pouvons déjà en tirer des leçons apprises, relever des facteurs à succès et dégager quelques tendances. Joignez-nous pour une discussion intersectorielle où les acteurs du projet, dans leurs différents rôles, échangent et partagent leur vision du projet, et s’embarquent dans une réflexion critique sur l’état des lieux et les suites à donner au projet dans le contexte d’un avenir robuste pour l’immigration francophone au Canada.

  • Martine Rioux, Communauté francophone accueillante du Haut-Saint-Jean / Association des Municipalités francophones du Nouveau-Brunswick
  • Julie Jardel, Communauté francophone accueillante de Hamilton / Centre francophone Hamilton (CFH)
  • Mamadou Ndiaye, l’initiative des communautés francophones accueillantes / Immigration, Réfugiés et Citoyenneté Canada (IRCC)
  • Chedly Belkhodja, Université Concordia
  • Thomas Mercier, Réseau de soutien à l’immigration francophone du Nord de l’Ontario (RIFNO)
  • Jean Paul Kalwahali, Réseau de soutien à l’immigration francophone du Nord de l’Ontario (RIFNO)


A2 (in person) – Bridging Cultures: Insights from West Coast Settlement Agencies’ Approaches towards Respectful Indigenous-Immigrant Relationships for Reconciliation (Download Presentation)

Chair: Neelam Sahota, DIVERSEcity Community Resources Society

In this session, participants will explore how settlement agencies have a responsibility in fostering respectful Indigenous relationships and their role in bridging indigenous- newcomer communities.  Gain insights from the Indigenous Journey Project, leading to Inter-Cultural Association of Greater Victoria’s 5-year action plan and DIVERSEcity Community Resources Society’s journey to centering truth and reconciliation through a governance lens.  Also learn more about Surrey LIP’s commitment to informing newcomers about their local indigenous community and the Surrey First Peoples Guide to Newcomers and capacity-building curriculum. Attendees will gain valuable insights to inform their own reconciliation efforts based on these experiences.

  • Our Commitment to Truth, Reconciliation and Decolonization: A Personalized, Intentional and Reflective Lens (Download Presentation)
    Neelam Sahota, DIVERSEcity Community Resources Society
  • Indigenous Journey Project:  Starting Point, Wisdom on Journey, What We’ve Gained (Download Presentation)
    Meghan Mergaert, Inter-Cultural Association of Greater Victoria (ICA)
  • Pathway to Kinship:  Building Connections through Truth.  Learnings from the Community-Centered Approach in Creating the Surrey First Peoples Guide for Newcomers (Download Presentation)
  • Diana Ospina, Surrey Local Immigration Partnership


A3 (in person) – Building Bridges: Fostering Seamless Collaboration and Human-Centric Design in Pre- and Post-Arrival Services

Chair: Niloufar Oveysi, S.U.C.C.E.S.S.

Embarking on the immigration journey is transformative and often challenging for newcomers. Pre-arrival services play a vital role in facilitating their successful integration into Canadian society. In this workshop, we explore innovative pre-arrival services emphasizing the power of partnerships and technology. We delve into the role of collaboration and the adoption of a human-centric design approach in ensuring seamless integration. By fostering collaboration and embracing technology, we aim to empower newcomers with information and resources for a smooth transition. Join us as we build bridges between pre- and post-arrival services, enhancing the newcomer experience through collaboration, technology, and human-centric design.

  • Niloufar Oveysi, S.U.C.C.E.S.S.
  • Rena Du, COSTI Immigrant Services
  • Alice Calmettes, British Columbia Construction Association (BCCA)
  • Hemanth Nunna, British Columbia Construction Association (BCCA)
  • Selina Aher, S.U.C.C.E.S.S.
  • Cecilia Sun, Calgary Catholic Immigration Society (CCIS)

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A4 (in person) – Building Resilient Communities: Enhancing Mental Health Support for Newcomers in Alberta

Chair: Laura Fryer, Alberta Association of Immigrant Serving Agencies (AAISA)

In collaboration with mental health experts CMHA-Edmonton, the Distress Centre Calgary, and 211 Alberta, this project focuses on developing and delivering mental health training courses for service providers, equipping participants with practice tools to promote newcomers’ mental wellness and build resilience. Additionally, an organizational self-audit tool has been developed, enabling agencies to assess and enhance their capacity and abilities to cater to newcomers’ mental health needs. Emphasizing coordinated service delivery, the project ensures accessible and streamlined mental health resources and referrals to build a stigma-free environment.

  • Insights to Newcomer Mental Health – Bridging Existing Healthcare Services with Newcomer Nuances
    Celine Truong, Alberta Association of Immigrant Serving Agencies (AAISA), and Crystal Guzman, Alberta Association of Immigrant Serving Agencies (AAISA)
  • Navigating Organizational Excellence: A Comprehensive Audit Approach
    Roopali Saxena, Alberta Association of Immigrant Serving Agencies (AAISA), and Rajani Suthar, Alberta Association of Immigrant Serving Agencies (AAISA)

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A5 (in person) – Change and Progress: IRCC Settlement Program Client Outcomes

Chair: Christine Binne, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC)

This workshop will examine the intended outcomes of IRCC’s Settlement Program and reflect on how the Department’s robust data collection, measurement, and analysis system (i.e. iCARE, surveys, annual reporting) allows for monitoring each point along the settlement continuum. Recent findings and results will be presented to highlight the impact of COVID on the Settlement Program and achievement of newcomer settlement and integration outcomes. Reported insights from service providers will be shared to discuss the successes and challenges faced that may have impacted the achievement of outcomes for different client groups.

  • Setting the Stage – Desired Outcomes and Measurement of IRCC’s Settlement Program (Download Presentation)
    Meghan Foran, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC)
  • Results – The Impact of COVID on the Settlement Program and Outcomes (Download Presentation)
    Terhas Ghebretecle, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC)
  • On the Ground – Reported Insights from Service Providers (Download Presentation)
    Dan Wright, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC)


A6 (in person) – Changing the Employment Status Quo for Racialized Women in the Workplace

Chair: Lenya Wilks, DIVERSEcity Community Resources Society

Research shows that racialized immigrant women earn less than non-racialized women and racialized men and have a higher unemployment rate. This essential workforce needs timely, adequate access to training and resources, leading to sustainable economic opportunities. Delays and derailments in securing professional and financial stability compounded by language challenges and socio-cultural assimilation keep this skilled talent pool of professionals from contributing significantly to the Canadian economy. This workshop will discuss the roles of employers, funders, service providers and other stakeholders in changing the status quo.

  • Ryan Drew, S.U.C.C.E.S.S.
  • Tina Balachandran, DIVERSEcity Community Resources Society
  • Peggy Lau, S.U.C.C.E.S.S.
  • Etab Saad, YWCA Metro Vancouver

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A7 (in person) – Digital Messaging for Settlement and Integration: Lessons Learned from Refugee 613 Digital Messaging Pilot Projects

Chair: Louisa Taylor and Laila Joud, Refugee 613

Use of technology and digital platforms to reach newcomer communities is the most efficient and effective way to get the critically needed information to them for a successful settlement experience. But the settlement sector has yet to utilize digital technology to the full extent to help newcomers and refugees find the information they need, in the spaces they most frequent. This workshop shares insights on the use of digital messaging platforms and digital spaces to reach newcomer communities and draws on success and lessons learned from several Refugee 613 pilot projects on the use of messaging apps and digital spaces to help newcomers succeed.

  • Why Digital Messaging and Newcomers Media and Technology Habits
    Louisa Taylor and Laila Joud, Refugee 613
  • Lessons Learned from Afghan Digital Service (ADS)
    Nargis Ehsan, Refugee 613
  • Newcomer Voices
    Fraidoon Latifi, Carefor

Link to Refugee 613’s Mailing List:
Contact Email:

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A8 (in person) – Empowering New Beginnings: Supporting Afghan and Ukrainian Refugees in Settlement and Economic Integration

Chair: Irmi Hutfless, Catholic Crosscultural Services (CCS)

Over 200,000 Afghan and Ukrainian refugees have arrived in Canada over the past two years, in one of the largest resettlement waves in Canadian history. Building upon extensive experience in supporting newcomers, this workshop explores their settlement experiences and economic integration, comparing their needs and gender-specific support provided to them through a comparative lens. We will examine the unique challenges faced by these groups and viable settlement service responses referencing a women’s empowerment approach. Furthermore, we delve into the impact of these large-scale arrivals on the WES Gateway program, a multi-stakeholder initiative that provides credential evaluation to displaced individuals.

  • Beatrice Kohlenberg, World Education Services (WES)
  • Anita Shiwnath, Catholic Crosscultural Services (CCS)
  • Manjeet Badyal, Catholic Crosscultural Services (CCS)
  • Fiona Yang, Catholic Crosscultural Services (CCS)

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A9 (in person) – Equity Ottawa: Institutional Anti-Racism Capacity-Building and Innovative Toolkits (Download Presentation)

Chair: Muna Osman, Ottawa Local Immigration Partnership (OLIP)

Given the critical role of public institutions in immigrant integration, Equity Ottawa, an initiative of the Ottawa Local Immigration Partnership, works to systematically improve the internal capacity of organizations to serve immigrants and racialized populations. Developed in collaboration with over 30 partner organizations engaged in Equity Ottawa, this workshop will highlight Equity Ottawa’s approach to cultivating equitable and inclusive organizations. With insights from key partner organizations, this workshop will outline how a peer support community of practice, expertise, and customized tools and resources can augment organizations’ capacity to address systemic institutionalized racism. Together these presentations will showcase the innovative approach and impact of Equity Ottawa.


A10 (in person) – Developing Sustainable Strategies to Address Homelessness Amongst Racialized Newcomers

Facilitators: Folashade Okomayin, Dixie Bloor Neighbourhood Centre Mississauga and Omolara Akerele, Manifest Africa / Olundara Foundation

This roundtable focuses on the development of practical strategies for addressing homelessness among racialized newcomers. The facilitators will introduce the workshop theme, shedding light on the “4 Ws and Hs” of the daily problems that newcomers face. Following this, we will actively engage in the exchange of ideas, comparing and contrasting perspectives and exploring a broader spectrum of potential outcomes and how these ideas can pave the way for innovative solutions. The roundtable aims to identify problems, enhance their understanding, and collectively develop a new thought model to address homelessness among racialized newcomers.

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A11 (in person) – Measuring and Promoting Welcoming Communities

Facilitators: Victoria Esses, Pathways to Prosperity, Leah Hamilton, Mount Royal University, Jasmine Calix, Immigration Partnership Saskatoon, Tenille Thomson & Kevin Kitchen, City of Saskatoon

This interactive roundtable will focus on what we can all do to make our communities more welcoming to diverse immigrants, and how to assess the impact we are having. Esses and Hamilton will briefly discuss the Measuring Welcoming Communities Toolkit, which was released in the spring of 2023, and the Promoting Welcoming Communities Tooolkit, which is under development, seeking feedback on how Pathways to Prosperity can support their uptake, value, and effectiveness. Jasmine Calix, Tenille Thomson, and Kevin Kitchen will provide an overview of strategies that the City of Saskatoon is initiating to plan and build diversity, inclusion and belonging into public spaces, and lead a discussion that allows the sharing of ideas of what cities across the country can do to support these goals.

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A12 (in person) – Canada’s ‘Edu-gration’ System: When Education Becomes an Immigration Pathway

Chair: Anne-Cécile Delaisse, University of British Columbia

In the past decades, Canada has developed an ‘edu-gration’ pathway, merging higher education and migration (Brunner 2022). This pathway aims to attract and retain international students by facilitating their transition from student permit, to post-graduation work permit, to permanent residency, while also allowing them to come to Canada with family members. This panel questions this system’s meanings and implications for international students, their partners, and educational institutions. We will examine international students’ and their partners’ experiences along the ‘edugration’ pathway as well as how educational institutions, now positioned as migration actors, contribute to reproducing (colonial) power dynamics and inequalities.

  • Settler Nation-Building Through Immigration as a Rationale for Higher Education: A Critical Discourse Analysis (Download Presentation)
    Lisa Brunner, University of British Columbia
  • The Meanings and Experiences of Varied Migration Statuses Along the ‘Edugration’ Pathway (Download Presentation)
    Anne-Cécile Delaisse, University of British Columbia, and Suzanne Huot, University of British Columbia
  • Migration Status and Experiences of Accompanying Partners of International Students (Download Presentation)
    Takhmina Shokirova, University of Regina, Negar Valizadeh, University of Ottawa and Capucine Coustere, Université Laval


A13 (in person) – Reimagining Language Learning: Using a Co-design Program to Help Newcomers Learn Language and Technology in BC

Chair: Peter Wilkins, Douglas College

Our workshop will present the design and outcomes of LINC Co-design, an adult English language learning program that co-explores technologies and strategies to foster a responsive learning environment for newcomers. Drawing from the findings of our primary research, we will highlight how LINC Co-design successfully addressed some persistent challenges in the settlement language training ecosystem. We will share the story of how the program embraced an innovative approach to language learning – by centring learning needs through a co-design approach, scaffolding language and technology in one curriculum, and incorporating a project-based learning model to support the integration of multi-barriered newcomers.

  • Sihwa Kim, Blueprint
  • Chloe Cayabyab, Blueprint
  • Peter Wilkins, Douglas College
  • Joanne Howe, Douglas College

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A14 (in person | en personne) – The Changing Immigration Landscape: Understanding the Experiences of Black Youth | Le paysage changeant de l’immigration : comprendre les expériences des jeunes Noirs

Facilitators | Facilitateurs : Lerona Dana Lewis, University of Ottawa | Université d’Ottawa, and Elie Ndala, University of Ottawa | Université d’Ottawa

2021 census data reveals 1.9 million children under 15 have foreign-born parents. With high immigration and increasing diversity, understanding diaspora youth personal and academic experiences is crucial. Caribbean Black scholars have long discussed challenges faced by immigrant Black youth, intensified by recent events surrounding the pandemic and George Floyd’s death. With that said, what existing practices are being implemented, and how do they address the urgent need for equity for this student population? To maintain the strides made since then, how can we sustain the momentum and commitment to achieving equity and justice for Black youth? Our roundtable aims to explore actions taken and ways to enhance integration support approaches.

Les données du recensement de 2021 révèlent que 1,9 million d’enfants de moins de 15 ans ont des parents nés à l’étranger. Compte tenu de la forte immigration et de la diversité croissante, il est essentiel de comprendre les expériences personnelles et scolaires des jeunes de la diaspora. Les universitaires noirs des Caraïbes discutent depuis longtemps des défis auxquels sont confrontés les jeunes Noirs immigrés, qui ont été intensifiés par les événements récents entourant la pandémie et la mort de George Floyd. Cela dit, quelles sont les pratiques existantes mises en œuvre et comment répondent-elles au besoin urgent d’équité pour cette population d’étudiants ? Pour maintenir les progrès accomplis depuis lors, comment pouvons-nous maintenir l’élan et l’engagement en faveur de l’équité et de la justice pour les jeunes Noirs ? Notre table ronde vise à explorer les actions entreprises et les moyens d’améliorer les approches de soutien à l’intégration.

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A15 (in person) – Quality Assessment Toolkit for Hybrid Settlement Services in Canada

Chair: Farah Khattab, YMCA of the National Capital Region

The evaluation of programs requires identifying and measuring relevant criteria for success. The digital transformation of settlement services led to the emergence of new work processes and service models in the sector. This created a need to address the evaluation of programs in light of these changes. The YMCA of the National Capital Region’s WESO project aims to assist settlement organizations with a toolkit for evaluating hybrid service delivery. The project team collaborated with service providers and newcomers nationwide, gathering insights and best practices. Join our session for hands-on training with free resources, tools, and templates to enhance the quality of hybrid service delivery.

  • Farah Khattab, YMCA of the National Capital Region
  • Noha Zaher, YMCA of the National Capital Region
  • Honey Uppal, YMCA of the National Capital Region

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A1 (virtual | virtuel) – Improving Communication with Newcomers about Opportunities in Canada: Immigrants’ Location Choices & Information Needs | Améliorer la communication avec les nouveaux arrivants sur les opportunités au Canada: les choix de lieu de vie & les besoins d’information des immigrants (Video | Vidéo)

Chair | Président : Colin Scott, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada | Immigration, Réfugiés et Citoyenneté Canada (IRCC)

Information about life in Canada is plentiful, but finding the right information to help newcomers choose where to live, and informing them about the different opportunities, realities, and services outside of Canada’s most well-known destinations, can be a challenge. This workshop presents recent research aimed at informing migration communication activities in these areas. Drawing on surveys of established immigrants across Canada and recent immigrants to Quebec, the panelists discuss newcomers’ location choices, their information needs, and their access and utilization of services to support their integration. Participants are invited to share reflections and experiences, and join panelists in a discussion of the role of communication strategies in supporting settlement and retention outside of major urban centres.

  • Learning from Newcomers about the Different Motives Behind Location Choices (Download Presentation)
    Colin Scott, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC)
  • How to Communicate about Opportunities in Canada: Understanding Immigrants’ Digital Behaviours and Needs (Download Presentation)
    Karissa Leduc, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC)
  • Recent Immigrants’ Experiences with Integration Services: An Assessment of Access to Services Across the Province (Download Presentation)
    Thomas Gareau Paquette, McGill University

Les informations sur la vie au Canada sont nombreuses, mais il peut être difficile de trouver les bonnes informations pour aider les nouveaux arrivants à choisir leur lieu de vie et de les informer sur les différentes opportunités, réalités et services en dehors des destinations les plus connues du Canada. Cet atelier présente des recherches récentes visant à éclairer les activités de communication sur la migration dans ces domaines. S’appuyant sur des enquêtes menées auprès d’immigrants établis dans l’ensemble du Canada et d’immigrants récents au Québec, les panélistes discutent des choix de lieu de vie des nouveaux arrivants, de leurs besoins en matière d’information, ainsi que de leur accès et de leur utilisation des services visant à soutenir leur intégration. Les participants sont invités à partager leurs réflexions et leurs expériences et à se joindre aux panélistes pour discuter du rôle des stratégies de communication dans le soutien à l’établissement et à la rétention en dehors des grands centres urbains.

  • Les différentes motivations qui sous-tendent le choix d’un lieu de résidence auprès des nouveaux arrivants
    Colin Scott, Immigration, Réfugiés et Citoyenneté Canada (IRCC)
  • Comprendre les comportements et besoins numériques des immigrants pour mieux communiquer les opportunités au Canada
    Karissa Leduc, Immigration, Réfugiés et Citoyenneté Canada (IRCC)
  • Expériences des immigrants récents en matière de services d’intégration : Une évaluation de l’accès aux services dans la province
    Thomas Gareau Paquette, Université McGill


A2 (virtual) – Opportunities for Innovation: Exploring Immigrant Economic Integration (Video | Vidéo)

Chair: Luisa Veronis, University of Ottawa

This workshop examines the impact of recent changes in Canada’s immigration system on the economic integration of newcomers. Post-pandemic recovery relies on increased immigration to meet labour demands. However, policies do not often reflect immigrant realities as they integrate into the labour market. Papers explore how international students’ labour market aspirations are shaped by various challenges; the economic integration experiences of skilled newcomers during the pandemic; the impact of anglodominance in shaping Francophone newcomers’ economic integration; and the lived experiences of newcomers as they navigate local labour markets. Opportunities and challenges for innovation in settlement policies and programs are discussed.

  • Skilled Worker Newcomers’ Experiences in the Ottawa-Gatineau Labour Market During the Pandemic (Download Presentation)
    Luisa Veronis, University of Ottawa
  • National Policies and Local Realities – Employment Experiences of Recent Immigrants in a Canadian Mid-Sized City (Download Presentation)
    Mary Crea-Arsenio, McMaster University
  • Is Canada’s National Capital Region Truly Bilingual? How Asymmetrical Bilingualism Shapes Francophone Newcomers’ Economic Integration
    Janaína Nazzari Gomes, University of Ottawa
  • Expectations and Aspirations of Making it in Canada: Examining Labour Market Experience of Indian International Students in Canada (Download Presentation)
    Neil Amber Judge, Wilfrid Laurier University


A3 (virtual) – A New Framework to Address Racism Long-term in Rural Communities (Video | Vidéo)

Chair: Ricardo Morales, Calgary Catholic Immigration Society

As governments promote rural immigration and many rural towns have charged relationships with local Indigenous communities, municipalities need a multifaceted framework to engage with racism, religious discrimination, and hate. CCIS, RDN, CCRL, Keepers of the Circle, Town of Strathmore, and the Canadian Race Relations Foundation are developing a framework for this purpose based on the social determinants of health, the determinants of health for Indigenous Peoples, and religious literacy. This interactive workshop presents Strathmore as a pilot community, emerging themes of racism and discrimination in rural communities, religious literacy as a means to address racism and discrimination, and an overview of the framework.

  • Strathmore, Alberta: A Rural Context
    Astokomii Smith, Town of Strathmore
  • Conceptual Framework Overview
    Elaine Flores, Rural Development Network
  • Emerging Themes of Racism and Discrimination in Rural Communities 
    Shamsa Mistry, Calgary Catholic Immigration Society
  • Fostering Understanding of Diverse Religious, Spiritual, and Non-religious Worldviews
    W. Y. Alice Chan, Centre for Civic Religious Literacy

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A4 (virtual) – Overcoming Barriers to Employment Success (Video | Vidéo)

Chair: Wendy Cukier, Toronto Metropolitan University

The lack of access to skilled talent is a major concern for many employers today. At the same time, there is evidence of under-employment, skills underutilization, and “brain waste” of newcomers and racialized people whose expertise is unrecognized. The pervasiveness of low labour conditions and low-income, and the resulting poverty is most evident in recent newcomers, racialized immigrants and women. Using an intersectional lens, this workshop sheds light on barriers facing newcomers in the labour market and discusses how to help them overcome these barriers from a systemic perspective.

  • Socioprofessional Integration of Immigrants in Quebec and Regionalization (Download Presentation)
    Vanessa Gauthier, University of Montreal, and Tania Saba, University of Montreal
  • Immigrant Women Leaders’ Challenges in Workplace
    Larissa Kanhai, University of Manitoba
  • Foreign Credential Recognition, Particularly in Healthcare in Response to the Current Healthcare Worker Shortage
    Sharon Broughton, Toronto Metropolitan University
  • Technology Enabled Platforms
    Katlynn Sverko, Toronto Metropolitan University


Tuesday, November 21, 2023
8:15 – 3:30 PM 


B1 (in person) – Building a Culture of Evaluation

Chair: Nabiha Atallah, Immigrant Services Association of Nova Scotia (ISANS)

This session will look at building a culture of evaluation in settlement organizations. David will provide IRCC’s perspective on approaches, learnings, and challenges in building a strong evaluation culture among stakeholders. Rich (CCBR) will explain how a community-based approach helps make evaluation useful for SPOs by emphasizing that evaluation be stakeholder-driven, participatory, and action-oriented. Margerit (Eupraxia) will describe the role of training in outcomes-based evaluation: helping individuals to gain knowledge and practical skills, while also encouraging important team discussions. Finally, Nabiha will describe ISANS’ journey: challenges, lessons we are learning, and the vital role of partners in the process.

  • Building an Evaluation Culture Among Partners – a Federal Perspective
    David Kurfurst, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC)
  • Community Based Approaches for Evaluation
    Rich Janzen, Centre for Community Based Research
  • The Role of Training in Building Evaluative Capacity
    Margerit Roger, Eupraxia Training
  • The Story of ISANS’ Evaluation Journey So Far…
    Nabiha Atallah, Immigrant Services Association of Nova Scotia (ISANS)

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B2 (in person) – Building and Bridging Immigrant-Indigenous Relationships

Facilitators: Travis Angus, of the Nisgaa Nations, the Greater Vancouver Native Cultural 2S Society, and South Vancouver Neighborhood House, and Huda Bolbolan, South Vancouver Neighborhood House

This roundtable will be conducted in a Circle format used by the Indigenous Knowledge Keepers at the South Vancouver Neighborhood House (SVNH) while sharing the Indigenous teachings, history and culture with the newcomers. The Circle will begin with an Land Acknowledgement followed by drumming and singing. The Circle encourages shared leadership and is embedded in the Indigenous culture. The facilitators will share the methods SVNH has successfully used to support the newcomers in understanding the teachings, history and culture of the First Peoples whose land they now call home.  The facilitators will be an equal part of the Circle at all time and will be encouraged to ask questions and deepen their understanding of the work we are doing to promote building immigrant-indigenous relationships. This will be a sharing and learning experience that encourages equal participation in a respectful manner allowing all present to hold space for views shared and collective wisdom generated.


B3 (in person) – De-metropolization of Success Stories: Learning from the AIP and the RNIP Outcomes

Chair: Cristian Medina, Planning for Canada – Colleges and Institutes Canada

To address Canada’s demographic and labour market needs, steady approaches to bring newcomers to smaller communities are required. Success in attracting and retaining newcomers in smaller and remote areas substantially depends on the employment prospects there. Planning for Canada pre-arrival program will lead the discussion about the importance of the Atlantic Immigration Program and the Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot pathways. The workshop will offer valuable insights into the AIP’s and RNIP’s successful outcomes and challenges through the eyes of the Immigrant Services Association of Nova Scotia and North Bay City. An employer’s perspective and depiction of college supports to newcomers’ families will also be presented.

  • Natasha Penn, City of North Bay Economic Development Department
  • Donna Backer, North Bay and District Chamber of Commerce
  • Aamir Taiyeb, Canadore College
  • Juliana Pelinsom Marques, Immigrants Services Association of Nova Scotia (ISANS)

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B4 (in person) – From 2020 to Present Day: The Digital Transformation of the (Re)Settlement Sector

Chair: Christine Binne, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC)

The pandemic was a catalyst toward a digital transformation of the entire (re)settlement sector. This session will explore how newcomer clients have been impacted by the shift to online, and how the sector has responded from 2020 to present. This session will also highlight findings from partners and service provider organizations that have tested new approaches to delivering services remotely and lessons learned to build a more inclusive digital sector.

  • Digital Transformation of the Settlement Sector (Download Presentation)
    Terhas Ghebretecle, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC)
  • Recent Insights from Service Providers on Digital Service Delivery (Download Presentation)
    Meghan Foran, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC)
  • Digital Inclusion of Refugees and the O-Canada Mobile App (Download Presentation) (Télécharger la présentation)
    Tania Dargy, International Organization for Migration (IOM)


B5 (in person) – Improving Financial Empowerment Services for Multi-barriered Newcomers

Chair: Janet Flynn, Prosper Canada

Newcomers with disabilities face specific challenges in accessing government and other financial services. Financial empowerment (FE) services can help newcomers gain the knowledge and skills to manage their finances and make informed decisions regarding their financial well-being but need to be designed with accessibility in mind. Through this interactive workshop, participants will learn about a) steps to design FE services with an accessibility lens, b) how we applied these steps in the creation of an interactive benefits screening tool for peoples with disabilities, and c) best practices and initiatives for supporting newcomers with disabilities get access to benefits.

  • Janet Flynn, Prosper Canada
  • Helaine Boyd, Disability Alliance BC
  • Shermeen Beg, Prosper Canada

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B6 (in person) – Improving RAP’s Model of Service for Clients in Mental Distress: Ongoing Research in Collaboration with Resettlement Assistance Programs in Ontario

Chair: Aamna Ashraf, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH)

In this workshop, we will present the IRCC-funded partnership project “Improving RAP’s model of service for clients in mental distress”. The project aims to understand the needs of RAP staff in assessing and supporting clients with mental distress and to evaluate, develop and test a client-centered service model to reduce mental health distress, including providing staff with essential tools and resources. This project has established promising practices in addressing challenges to refugee mental health by equipping staff with an online, self-directed tool that explores mental distress and trains staff on how to identify and address mental distress.


B7 (in person | en personne) – Empowering Newcomers: Innovative Approaches to Economic and Social Integration | Habiliter les nouveaux et nouvelles arrivant·e·s : Approches novatrices de l’intégration économique et sociale

Chair | Présidente : Aurélie Lacassagne, Saint Paul University | Université Saint-Paul

Between 2023 and 2025, Canada will welcome 1.5 million newcomers. For immigrations efforts to be successful, we must find innovative methods to integrate newcomers into work and social environments. In this workshop, presenters will explore how three different innovative programs enable newcomer integration economic success:

  1. How food entrepreneurship can create bridges between business, community, the settlement sector and newcomers;
  2. How incorporating professional development in technological training programs provide newcomers with knowledge into Canadian workplace norms and expectations;
  3. How professionals trained abroad can be integrated into the Canadian economy, using a research from teachers from Sub-Saharan Africa.
  • Welcoming Immigrants into Small Communities through Food Entrepreneurship
    Cara Benjamin Pace, Newcomer Kitchen
  • Professional Development for Newcomers in Quebec (Download Presentation)
    Vanessa Herrick, NPower Canada
  • The Integration of Professionals Trained Abroad: The Case of Teachers from Sub-Saharan Africa in Ontario
    Yollande Dweme Mbukuny Pitta, University of Toronto

Pour que l’immigration au Canada soit fructueuse, nous devons trouver des méthodes innovantes pour intégrer les nouveaux arrivants dans le monde du travail et l’environnement social. Les présentateurs exploreront trois programmes permettant leur intégration et réussite économique :

  1. Comment l’entrepreneuriat alimentaire créer des ponts entre les entreprises, la communauté, et le secteur de l’établissement ;
  2. Comment l’intégration du développement professionnel dans les programmes de formation technologique permet aux nouveaux arrivants d’acquérir des connaissances sur les attentes du marché canadien ;
  3. Comment les professionnels formés à l’étranger peuvent être intégrés dans l’économie canadienne, à l’aide d’une recherche sur des enseignants d’Afrique subsaharienne.
  • Accueillir les immigrants dans les petites communautés grâce à l’entrepreneuriat alimentaire
    Cara Benjamin Pace, Newcomer Kitchen
  • Le développement professionnel pour les immigrants au Québec
    Vanessa Herrick, NPower Canada
  • L’intégration des professionnels formés à l’étranger : le cas des enseignants originaire de l’Afrique subsaharienne en Ontario
    Yollande Dweme Mbukuny Pitta, Université de Toronto


B8 (in person) – Supporting Displaced Ukrainians Through Community Collaboration: Maintaining the Momentum for Future Humanitarian Responses

Chair: Amanda Morrison, DIVERSEcity Community Resources Society

This interactive workshop will look at how both small and large centers have been engaging with community partners and stakeholders to support displaced Ukrainians arriving to Western Canada. These community collaborations and efforts have allowed SPOs and community organizations to provide greater and more holistic wrap-around support and services compared to conventional humanitarian responses. Building upon the momentum gained at the policy, sector, and community levels, this workshop examines ways in which this model and the lessons learned throughout the Ukrainian response can be applied in future humanitarian efforts.

  • Enhancing Local Humanitarian Responses through Regional Partnerships and Collaboration
    Amanda Morrison, DIVERSEcity Community Resources Society
  • Collective Caring: It Takes Village for Humanitarian Efforts
    Saejin (Sage) Chang, Kamloops-Cariboo Regional Immigrants Society (KIS), and France Lamontagne, Kamloops-Cariboo Regional Immigrants Society (KIS)
  • Ukrainian Wave: Addressing Influx and Rural Adaptation in Alberta
    Meghan Cunningham, Alberta Association of Immigrant Serving Agencies (AAISA)

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B9 (in person) – Numbers Tell Stories

Facilitators: Debbie Douglas, OCASI, Stephan Reichhold, TCRI, and Parvine Bahramian, OCASI

136 organizations, in Ontario, completed the OCASI 2023 Salary Survey. The survey explored the hourly wages and social benefits of 40 job titles based on demographics, regional locations, size of agency’s revenue, number of employees, language of service (French/English), services for women, and unionization status. It also addressed the funding of non-profit organizations. We will discuss the narrative analysis and findings of OCASI 2023 salary and benefits survey. This brief presentation will be accompanied by interventions and discussions from other stakeholders in the sector.

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B10 (in person) – Empowering Pre-Arrival Refugees and the Settlement Sector: Leveraging Technology for Successful Employment Integration, Digital Transformation, and Ethical Tech Best Practices

Chair: Nisha Soundararajan, Immigrant Services Calgary

This workshop aims to provide a peek into the technology aspects involved in development of products related to pre-arrival and post-arrival settlement services. We will highlight how technology revolutionized pre-arrival refugee support, enabling them to gain essential skills, key labour market information and even access employment opportunities post arrival. We’ll share our innovative approach, emphasizing the positive impact of tech, inspiring global integration efforts. Additionally, the workshop delves into settlement sector digital transformation, focusing on Gateway project insights. Participants will grasp trends, tools, ethical AI use, and practical digital implementation, enriching their settlement sector roles.

  • Empowering Pre-Arrival Refugees: Leveraging Technology for Successful Employment Integration (Download Presentation)
    Ghaith Sheikh, S.U.C.C.E.S.S.
  • Empowering Settlement Sector: A Journey through Digital Transformation and Ethical Tech Best Practices
    Nisha Soundararajan, Immigrant Services Calgary
  • Empowering Settlement Sector: A Journey through Digital Transformation and Ethical Tech Best Practices
    Daniel Wu, Immigrant Services Calgary


B11 (in person) – National Sector Engagement: Advancing Sector Policy and Operations Through Formalized National Collaboration

Chair: Leesha Kanbour, Affiliation of Multicultural Societies and Service Agencies of BC (AMSSA)

The workshop introduces and outlines the work of three national bodies that work collaboratively with IRCC to identify and advance sector priorities. The Settlement and Integration Policy and Program Committee (SIPPC), the Settlement and Integration Service Delivery Committee (SISDC), and the National Settlement and Integration Council (NSIC) are each co-chaired by both sector representatives and IRCC and meet regularly to prioritize and action sector needs through joint working groups. Participants will learn about the current priorities identified by each body, be provided updates on the working groups, and be connected to local representatives in each body.

  • Sarosh Rizvi, Affiliation of Multicultural Societies and Service Agencies of BC (AMSSA)
  • Manjeet Dhiman, National Settlement and Integration Council (NSIC)
  • Olga Stachova, Settlement and Integration Service Delivery Committee (SISDC)
  • Vicki Sinclair, Settlement and Integration Policy and Program Committee (SIPPC)


B12 (in person) – A Practical EDI Guide for Employers: Kingston’s Workplace Inclusion Charter

Chair: Sonia Verjovsky, KEYS Employment and Newcomer Services

How can businesses better attract and retain highly skilled, underutilized talent, including newcomers to Canada, racialized people, persons with disabilities, Indigenous people, and people from LGBTQ2S+ communities? Kingston’s Workplace Inclusion Charter, launched by the City of Kingston in partnership with KEYS Employment & Newcomer Services in 2019, was created to promote equity, diversity, and inclusion in workplaces; address local workforce needs; and demonstrate Kingston’s leadership in creating prosperous, vibrant, diverse, and inclusive communities. This workshop will provide insights, successes, lessons learned, and practical tools from the perspective of employers, partners and inclusion coaches on incorporating inclusive practices into the workplace.

  • Terry Shi, KEYS Employment and Newcomer Services / Kingston Health Sciences Centre
  • Taylor Cenac, KEYS Employment and Newcomer Services
  • Dajana Turkovic, City of Kingston

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B14 (in person)  – Toward Newcomer Socio-Economic Integration Through Effective Language Training

Facilitators: Rob McBride, New Language Solutions, Frédéric Boulanger, Collège Boréal, Robin Peace, New Language Solutions, and Sophie Bonny, New Language Solutions

Collège Boréal and the Avenue Project will facilitate a discussion on empowering newcomers through impactful language training. The implementation of Collège Boréal’s socio-economic integration approach in its work with newcomers has been an impetus to a full review of language training. The intent is to offer content that is geared to education and employment. The moderators will address:

  • What tools and functions does the learning management system solution provide for building customized learning and teaching solutions?
  • How can employment-themed modules meet the needs of diverse learners?
  • What challenges are providers facing in the implementation of innovative language training?

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B15 (in person) – YMCA Innovations: Four Projects Supporting Newcomer Youth’s Social and Academic Integration

Chair: Tim Keenan, YMCA of Greater Halifax/Dartmouth, Centre for Immigrant Programs

The world is in a state of constant change and community needs are continually shifting. YMCA is committed to critically evaluating our current approaches; assessing our assumptions on an ongoing basis; and collaborating with other service providers creating new, or adapting existing, initiatives to be anticipatory and forward-looking for lasting impact.  Using creative approaches YMCA youth settlement programs continue to deliver content that informs, builds leadership skills, increases knowledge, empathy and understanding of others’ experiences. Our goal is to foster a sense of belonging in the community, to educate and raise awareness. In this workshop we will talk about four innovative projects that deliver on-going impact.

  • Newcomer Youth Employment Toolkit (Download Presentation)
    Kathryn Bates-Khan, YMCA of Greater Halifax/Dartmouth, Centre for Immigrant Programs
  • What I Wish My Teacher Knew (Download Presentation)
    Amy Belanger, YMCA of Greater Halifax/Dartmouth, Centre for Immigrant Programs
  • Stories of Refugee and Immigrant Children (Download Presentation)
    Olha Filipska, YMCA of Greater Halifax/Dartmouth, Centre for Immigrant Programs
  • The Youth 2SLGBTQIA+ Newcomer Program (Download Presentation)
    Ahrthyh Arumugam, YMCA of Greater Halifax/Dartmouth, Centre for Immigrant Programs


C1 (in person) – Approaches to Participatory Governance with Newcomers

Chair: Isobel Goddard, Scarborough Newcomer Settlement Collective (SNSC) and Catholic Crosscultural Services (CCS)

Participatory Governance has recently created significant interest among funders, government, and community stakeholders, based on the premise that programs and services work well when grounded in local needs and informed by community stakeholders who are involved in planning and decision-making. This workshop will explore participatory governance approaches with newcomers, and in particular examine strategies for meaningful engagement of newly landed newcomers in decision-making for newcomer service provision. Presenters will share insights and learnings from the development of three different models of participatory governance that are at various stages of development and implementation, in three geographic regions in the Greater Toronto Area.

  • Participatory Grantmaking with Newcomers in Peel (Download Presentation)
    Mohammad Jawad Shahabi, WES Mariam Assefa Fund
  • Supporting the Development of Local Participatory Governance with the Toronto Neighbourhood Centres’ (TNC) People Centred Civic Engagement Community of Practice
    Sree Nallamothu, Toronto Neighbourhood Centres, Nita Goswami, Toronto Neighbourhood Centres / Woburn Local Planning Table / Settlement Assistance and Family Support Services (SAFSS), and Omar Khan, Toronto Neighbourhood Centres and Engaged Communities
  • Building an Evidence-Driven, Participatory Governance Model for Newcomer Services in Scarborough (Download Presentation)
    Isobel Goddard, Scarborough Newcomer Settlement Collective (SNSC) and Catholic Crosscultural Services (CCS)


C2 (in person) – An Evidence-Based Sectoral Collaborative Approach to Improve Best Practices with Newcomers

Chair: Koyali Burman, Vancouver Local Immigration Partnership

The integration of newcomers to Canada is complex which involves many players working together in formal or informal partnerships.  An Inclusive and value-laden cross -sectoral stakeholder engagement strategy presentation endeavors to provide an overview of good practices in cross-sectoral collaboration with settlement and non-settlement sectors. This also includes identifying priority areas to discover local knowledge, increased transparency through co-production and uncover possible innovative solutions. Additionally, the presentation will provide practical tips for cross sectoral engagement. The Vancouver Local Immigration Partnership is strategically collaborating, across sectors, to influence systemic change and create impactful integration and well-being of immigrants & refugees.

  • An Inclusive Stakeholder Engagement Strategy (Download Presentation)
    Koyali Burman, Vancouver Local Immigration Partnership
  • Involvement of Community Organizations in Academic Research on Integration
    Hongxia Shan, University of British Columbia
  • Best Practices for Frontline Staff in Cross Sectoral Collaborations to Become Trauma Informed Workers (Download Presentation)
    Jhevoi Melville, Vancouver Association for the Survivors of Torture (VAST)
  • Impact of Community Organizations on Integration and Settlement of Immigrants and Refugees
    Huda Bolbolan, South Vancouver Neighbourhood House (SVNH)


C3 (in person) – Building Welcoming Communities in Smaller Centres: Leveraging Diverse Initiatives and Collaborations

Chair: Sharvari Jois, JVS Toronto

In this workshop, we explore the pivotal role of different organizations and initiatives in attracting and retaining immigrants in small and rural communities by creating welcoming environments. We will shine a spotlight on the SDI project led by JVS Toronto Project Welcome, which utilizes mentorship and technology to empower pre-arrival immigrants with crucial information and connections, facilitating their informed settlement decisions in Canada. This workshop will also showcase other impactful initiatives from SOICS (South Okanagan, BC) and SJNC (Saint John, NB) to address challenges that their communities face in attracting and retaining skilled immigrants. These innovative approaches exemplify the profound positive impact of collaboration in fostering welcoming and inclusive environments for new immigrants.

  • Project Welcome – Connecting Skilled Immigrants to Smaller Communities through Online Mentorship (Download Presentation)
    Sharvari Jois, JVS Toronto, and Ligia Chiari, JVS Toronto
  • Engaging Local Professionals in Attracting Newcomers to Small Urban-Rural Communities (Download Presentation)
    Elmira Galiyeva, South Okanagan Immigrant and Community Services (SOICS) and South Okanagan-Similkameen Local Immigration Partnership
  • The Impact of Pre-Arrival Services for Newcomers in Saint John, NB: A Practitioner’s Perspective (Download Presentation)
    Mohamed Bagha, The Saint John Newcomers Centre


C5 (in person) – A Customized Approach to Successful Labour Market Integration

Chair: Onyiye Odih, Calgary Immigrant Women’s Association (CIWA)

Calgary Immigrant Women’s Association (CIWA) in collaboration with Global Gathering Place, Regina Immigrant Women’s Centre and Rexdale Women’s Centre, tested customized pre-employment and skills development supports as well as workplace inclusivity models and strategies with targeted employers based on the unique needs of immigrant women from racialized communities that have experienced prolonged detachment from the labour force that live in Calgary, Regina, Saskatoon and Greater Toronto Area. The presentation will showcase the customized approach to delivering the project in different regions including the learnings, successes and challenges of the project.

  • Onyiye Odih, Calgary Immigrant Women’s Association (CIWA)
  • Bindi Padvani, Rexdale Women’s Centre
  • Jenna Kachur, Global Gathering Place

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C6 (in person) – Diversity and Inclusion in Cities: An Action-Research Project

Facilitators: Neal Santamaria, Canadian Race Relations Foundation, and Bob W. White, Université de Montréal

Cities have become key players in the fields of diversity and inclusion. In September 2022, the Quebec office of the Canadian Race Relations Foundation set up a network for municipal employees involved in the fight against discrimination in municipalities across the province. As a first action, the network carried out an action-research study aimed at answering the following questions: How can we promote inclusion in a context of rapid diversification and social polarization? What are municipalities doing to make cities more inclusive?

  • Jorge Frozzini, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi (UQAC)
  • Marie Angeline Descadres, Ville de Repentigny (Download Presentation)
  • Bochra Manaï, Ville de Montréal
  • Iréna Florence Harris, Ville de Québec (Download Presentation)


C7 (in person) – What Does It Mean to Work as a Youth in the Settlement Sector?

Facilitators: Wajeeha Anwar, Affiliation of Multicultural Societies and Service Agencies of BC (AMSSA), Manvir Aujla and Sumaiyyah Adam, DIVERSEcity Community Resources Society

This engaging roundtable aims to delve into the diverse and multifaceted experience of working as a youth within the sector. The settlement sector is constantly evolving, and it comprises individuals with extensive experience in the field. Navigating the settlement sector and offering support as a young person presents its unique set of challenges, but it also opens doors to share new perspectives. Through interactive discussions, this roundtable will delve into conversations about how the settlement sector can shift to support incoming youth. The workshop will be led by youth working across various programming areas, ensuring a diverse range of perspectives are represented.

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C8 (en personne) – La ville inclusive : remarcher dans les pas de Caroline Andrew

Facilitatrice : Anne Gilbert, Université d’Ottawa

Caroline Andrew a eu une carrière de chercheure exceptionnelle à divers égards. Elle a été une pionnière d’une approche de recherche qui a comme objectif premier de favoriser des villes qui sont inclusives parce qu’elles permettent aux groupes marginaux (notamment les femmes, francophones minoritaires et les immigrants) de participer pleinement à la ville et à sa gouvernance. L’approche de Caroline était inclusive dans la mesure où elle partait du point de vue de ces groupes qui habitent la ville au quotidien. Cette table ronde réunit des chercheurs qui vont remarcher dans les pas de Caroline Andrew pour célébrer la personne et sa contribution marquante à des villes plus humaines.

  • Comment faire prof autrement?
    Winnie Frohn, Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM) et Ville de Québec
  • Caroline Andrew, sur les traces des villes accueillantes et inclusives
    Maude Marquis-Bissonnette, ÉNAP de l’Outaouais
  • La notion de ville habitable pour comprendre les expériences des familles immigrantes nouvellement installées
    Luisa Veronis, Université d’Ottawa

Anne Gilbert et Guy Chiasson (dir.). 2022. La ville inclusive. Dans les pas de Caroline Andrew. Ottawa : Presses de l’Université d’Ottawa.


C9 (in person | en personne) – Optimizing Immigrants’ Social & Economic Integration in the Canadian Tourism Sector through a Sector-led Strategic Approach | Optimiser l’intégration sociale et économique des immigrants dans le secteur du tourisme canadien grâce à une approche stratégique sectorielle

Chair | Présidente : Jasmine Qi, Tourism HR Canada | RH Tourisme Canada

Tourism is an important source of jobs and growth of the Canadian economy. It provides rich learning experiences to newcomers to gain life-long employability skills. However, Covid-19 has heightened systemic barriers to tourism employment. To support the recovery of Canada’s tourism labour market, Tourism HR Canada is leading a national sectoral immigration strategy with its national, provincial, and territorial partners through tourism workforce immigration hub. This workshop will present tourism sector’s efforts and innovative modes to attract and retain immigrants and refugees. Speakers will explore diverse sector-led models and commitments that are needed in both strategic and practical levels.

  • Advancing Centralized Tourism Immigration Strategy through Tourism Workforce Immigration Hub
    Jasmine Qi, Tourism HR Canada
  • Workforce Integration of Asylum Seekers in the Tourism Sector
    Marion Guignet, Le Conseil québécois des ressources humaines en tourisme (CQRHT)
  • Newcomer GPS: Exploring an Integrated Digital Pathway to Settlement
    Grace Scire, Ontario Tourism Education Corporation (OTEC)
  • Connecting Internationally Trained Skilled Refugees with Tourism Jobs through EMPP
    Lara Dyer, Talent Beyond Boundaries

Le tourisme est une source importante d’emplois et de croissance de l’économie canadienne. Il offre aux nouveaux arrivants de riches expériences d’apprentissage qui leur permettent d’acquérir des compétences d’employabilité tout au long de leur vie. Cependant, la crise de Covid-19 a accentué les obstacles systémiques à l’emploi dans le secteur du tourisme. Pour soutenir la reprise du marché du travail dans le secteur du tourisme au Canada, RH Tourisme Canada dirige une stratégie nationale d’immigration sectorielle avec ses partenaires nationaux, provinciaux et territoriaux par le biais d’un centre d’immigration de la main-d’œuvre dans le secteur touristique. Cet atelier présentera les efforts et les modes novateurs du secteur du tourisme pour attirer et retenir les immigrants et les réfugiés. Les intervenants exploreront divers modèles et engagements sectoriels qui sont nécessaires aux niveaux stratégique et pratique.

  • Faire avancer la Stratégie centralisée en matière d’immigration dans le secteur du tourisme grâce au Pôle d’immigration de la main d’œuvre dans le domaine touristique
    Jasmine Qi, RH Tourisme Canada
  • Intégration en emploi des demandeurs d’asile dans l’industrie touristique
    Marion Guignet, Conseil québécois des ressources humaines en tourisme (CQRHT)
  • Newcomer GPS : exploration d’un outil numérique intégré vers l’établissement
    Grace Scire, Ontario Tourism Education Corporation (OTEC)
  • Relier les réfugiés qualifiés formés à l’étranger aux emplois touristiques par le biais de l’EMPP
    Lara Dyer, Talent Beyond Boundaries

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C10 (in person | en personne) – Skilled Temporary Foreign Workers in an Official Language Minority Context & their Transition to Permanent Residency | Les travailleurs étrangers temporaires qualifiés de langue officielle en situation minoritaire et leur transition vers la résidence permanente

Chair | Présidente : Éva Koumaglo, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada | Immigration, Réfugiés et Citoyenneté Canada (IRCC)

The research and knowledge mobilization division of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada will first present a national portrait of skilled temporary foreign workers in an official language minority context and analyze their transition to permanent residence. Their sociodemographic characteristics and transition rates will be examined. Then, the firms GGI and Sociopol will present the main results of research which aimed to understand the transition of these workers to permanent residency in different regions. Thus, through interviews with the targeted population and stakeholders, the factors that influence the transition will be highlighted.

  • Portrait of Skilled Temporary Foreign Workers in an Official Language Minority Context and Analysis of their Transition to Permanent Residency (Download Presentation
    Éva Koumaglo, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC)
  • Pathways to Permanent Residency for Skilled Temporary Foreign Workers in an Official Language Minority Context (Download Presentation)
    Pascale Latulippe, Goss Gilroy Inc., and Anke Patzelt, Goss Gilroy Inc.

La division de la recherche et de la mobilisation des connaissances d’Immigration, Réfugiés et Citoyenneté Canada dressera, d’abord, le portrait national des travailleurs étrangers temporaires qualifiés de langue officielle en situation minoritaire et analysera leur transition vers la résidence permanente. Leurs caractéristiques sociodémographiques et taux de transition seront examinés. Ensuite, les firmes GGI et Sociopol présenteront les principaux résultats d’une recherche qui visait à comprendre la transition de ces travailleurs vers la résidence permanente dans différentes régions. Ainsi, par le biais d’entrevues auprès de la population visée et des parties prenantes, les facteurs qui influencent la transition seront soulignés.

  • Portrait des travailleurs étrangers temporaires qualifiés de langue officielle en situation minoritaire et analyse de leur transition vers la résidence permanente (Télécharger la présentation)
    Éva Koumaglo, Immigration, Réfugiés et Citoyenneté Canada (IRCC)
  • Parcours vers la résidence permanente des travailleurs étrangers temporaires qualifiés de langue officielle en situation minoritaire
    Pascale Latulippe, Goss Gilroy Inc., et Anke Patzelt, Goss Gilroy Inc.


C11 (in person) – Supporting the Arrival of Ukrainian Newcomers: Experiences from the Field

Chair: David Kurfurst, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC)

Since early 2022, activities and initiatives were undertaken across Canada to support arrival and integration of Ukrainian newcomers. This session will take a deep dive into two experiences with Ukrainian newcomers – first through on the groundwork undertaken in Hamilton and Brantford regarding of a unique and innovative case management approach, followed by an overview of early settlement findings from IRCC’s Rapid Evaluation on the Ukraine Response.

  • Client Support Services, Ukrainian Settlement Team in Hamilton and Brantford: A Unique and Innovative Mobile Intensive Care Management Approach (Download Presentation
    Lina El Ali, Wesley, and Rashed Afif, Wesley
  • Early Findings from IRCC’s Rapid Evaluation of the Ukraine Response (Download Presentation
    Nikki Randell, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC), and Jessica Schafer, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC)


C12 (in person) – Stabilizing the “Band-aid”: Navigating National Challenges through Creative Solutions in Addressing Canada’s Unique Refugee Population Needs

Chair: Mehreen Nayani, YMCA GTA

This session will discuss challenges and barriers experienced by the following client (GAR) profiles and offer creative solutions SPOs have implemented to facilitate a positive resettlement experience:

  • Single-mother (GAR) clients
  • Minor (GAR) clients without parents/orphans
  • Clients with disabilities

The speakers will shed light on the intersecting barriers encountered by these client groups and share how their respective SPOs have effectively addressed their unique challenges. Emphasizing a solutions-oriented approach, the session will draw on case studies to offer creative strategies/best practices at both the community and service delivery levels to promote the well-being of multi-barriered GAR clients, with a specific focus on the aforementioned profiles.

  • The CSS Intensive Case Management Approach: National Trends on Unique GAR Profiles
    Mehreen Nayani, YMCA GTA
  • A Helping Hand: A Solution-Focused Approach to Accommodate the Needs of GARs with Physical, Mental, or Cognitive Disabilities
    Lina Abbas, Calgary Catholic Immigration Society
  • The Refugee Health Conundrum: An Analytical and Proactive Approach to Addressing Needs and Challenges of Unique GAR Profiles
    Hanaa Elkolaly, Cross Culture Learner Centre (CCLC)

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C13 (in person) – Strengthening Social Cohesion: The Power of Peer Educators and Community Collaboration in Supporting Migrant Workers

Chair: Lenya Wilks, DIVERSEcity Community Resources Society

Upon arriving in Canada, temporary foreign workers (TFWs) often lack a full understanding of their rights and find themselves isolated from the larger community during their stay, leaving them vulnerable to exploitative situations. Mobilizing the community for TFWs offers vital benefits by amplifying awareness and support and facilitating access to crucial resources, thus lessening vulnerability. Additionally, it promotes cultural integration, and a sense of belonging. This workshop will explore viable strategies for positive change, including peer-to-peer knowledge sharing and community champion models, ensuring equitable treatment and enhanced well-being for TFWs, ultimately benefiting both individuals and society as a whole.

  • The Power of Peer Educators
    Abeer Saeed, DIVERSEcity Community Resources Society
  • Community Collaboration in Supporting Migrant Workers
    Carolina Echeverri, The Family Education & Support Centre

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C14 (in person) – Stronger Together: Strengthening Gender-Based Violence Supports for Newcomer Survivors

Chair: Shadwa Ramadan, New Brunswick Multicultural Council

From British Columbia to New Brunswick, this workshop will present three different gender-based violence projects. The first project will highlight the outcomes of the Save Houses, Supportive Communities research. The second project is Gender-Based Violence and Language Classes. The third project is the IMvisible NB – Je Suis Visible NB project which will present several developed resources for supporting the domestic violence prevention sector in New Brunswick to better support newcomer women impacted by domestic and/or intimate partner violence (DIPV).

  • Safe Houses, Supportive Communities: Immigrant Women Seeking Support as Survivors of Domestic Violence in the Capital Region
    Florentien Verhage, Greater Victoria Local Immigration Partnership (GVLIP)
  • Knowledge is Power: Language Curriculums as a Tool to Combat Gender-Based Violence
    Robin McGeough, Inter-Cultural Association of Greater Victoria (ICA)
  • IMvisible NB – Je Suis Visible NB: Building Intercultural Capacity for Newcomer Women Impacted by Domestic and/or Intimate Partner Violence in New Brunswick
    Shadwa Ramadan, New Brunswick Multicultural Council


C15 (in person) – Digitizing Pre-employment Services to Reach Newcomers in Rural and Remote Regions of British Columbia

Chair: Cam Nguyen, Social Research and Demonstration Corporation (SRDC)

Rural and remote communities in Canada report challenges retaining newcomers, in part due to limited options for employment and employment services. Delivered in 4 regions of British Columbia, the Virtual REACH project pilots a virtual, remote-delivery pre-employment training including career planning and skills enhancement, tailored to local labour markets. Using an interrupted time-series design, the pilot evaluates the incremental impact of the remote-delivery training program on social-emotional skills, community connection, and employment outcomes. In this session, Douglas College will share lessons learned from implementation and SRDC will present the research activities and interim results.


C1 (virtual) – Fostering Welcoming Communities: Collaborating with Municipalities and Counties in Nova Scotia through Employer Engagement and the Professional Practice Programs (Video/Vidéo)

Chair: Joanna Stewart, Immigrant Services Association of Nova Scotia (ISANS)

The post-pandemic labour shortage and the record number of Canadians reaching retirement age have created enormous challenges and potential opportunities for employers. Now, more than ever, it is essential for employers to attract and retain immigrant talent. Join our workshop to learn about practical and innovative employer engagement thanks to cross-sector and community collaborations.  We will discuss the vital role ISANS’ Professional Practice and Employer Engagement Programs play in assisting employers in diversifying their workforce and creating inclusive communities. ISANS Employer Support Services team, Halifax Regional Municipality Talent Acquisition Manager and the Pictou County Regional Enterprise Network representative will talk shop sharing their best practices and successes.

  • Joanna Stewart, Immigrant Services Association of Nova Scotia (ISANS)
  • Erinn Smeltzer, Halifax Regional Municipality
  • Clifford MacDonald, Immigrant Services Association of Nova Scotia (ISANS)
  • Wade Tibbo, Pictou County Partnership

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C2 (virtual) – Going Hybrid: Lessons from Quebec and Ontario Immigrant-Serving Agencies During the Pandemic (Video/Vidéo)

Chair: Damaris Rose, Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS)

This workshop examines the hybrid service model combining remote and in-person service delivery that developed during the pandemic. Using survey data from managers and workers in Ontario immigrant-serving agencies, the presentations discuss the shift from in-person to online to hybrid service delivery in Ontario, the factors that facilitated the digital transformation, especially collaboration, advocacy, and flexible financial practices, and with a parallel survey of workers and management in Quebec, how and why Quebec agencies maintained some in-person services. Flexible funding and the dedication and commitment of all agency employees were key to agencies’ successful digital transformation of services.

  • Service Models: From In-Person to Remote and Hybrid in Ontario Immigrant-Serving Agencies
    Valerie Ann Preston, York University
  • Collaboration and Advocacy during COVID: Facilitating the Digital Transformation in Ontario Agencies (Download Presentation)
    John Shields, Toronto Metropolitan University
  • Lessons from a Comparison of Pandemic Responses in Ontario and Quebec Agencies
    Jill Hanley, McGill University
  • Discussant: Stephan Reichhold, Table de concertation des organismes au service des personnes réfugiées et immigrantes (TCRI)


C3 (virtuel) – Programmes d’entrepreneuriat accessibles aux francophones et sources de financement (Video/Vidéo)

Présidents : Mikhaéla Sullivan, Réseau en Immigration Francophone du Centre Sud-Ouest Ontario, Georges Stephane Nana, Conseil économique et social d’Ottawa-Carleton, et Donald Kouakou, Groupe 3737

Thème : Présentation de la catégorisation des différents programmes d’entrepreneuriat accessibles aux communautés francophones en situation minoritaire et des sources de financement.

Sous thèmes :

  1. Entrepreneuriat des communautés issues de la diversité ethnoculturelle, des femmes et des immigrants
  2. Sources de financement publiques et privées
  3. Économie circulaire et digitale
  4. Revenus passifs et side hustle
  5. Stratégies, ventes, conseils, réseautage
  6. Innovation, compétitivité, leadership etc.
  • Entrepreneuriat des femmes/revenus passifs/side hustle (Télécharger la présentation)
    Mikhaéla Sullivan, Réseau en Immigration Francophone du Centre Sud-Ouest Ontario (RIFCSO)
  • Entrepreneuriat des communautés issues de la diversité ethnoculturelle et sources de financement (Télécharger la présentation)
    Donald Kouakou, Groupe 3737
  • Programmes en entrepreneuriat et économie circulaire (Télécharger la présentation)
    Georges Stephane Nana, Conseil économique et social d’Ottawa-Carleton (CÉSOC)


C4 (virtual) – Supporting the Ongoing Resettlement Needs of Yazidi Refugees 

Facilitators: Charlotte Finnigan, Western University, Jason Brown, Western University, and Mohamed Al-Adeimi, South London Neighbourhood Research Centre (SLNRC)

This roundtable discussion will explore the results of a Photovoice research study examining the adjustment experiences of Yazidi youth in Canada. The final three photo frames will be presented, which include pictures and captions chosen by the youth to represent their migration and integration challenges, successes, and supports still required. This information will be used to inform and generate discussion on how community agencies and policies can address Yazidi refugee’s resettlement needs in a way that is aligned with their self-advocated needs and wants.

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D1 (in person) – A Collaborative Impact: Enhancing National Immigration Sector Gender-Based Analysis Plus Capacity

Chair: Alyssa Hartwell, Alberta Association of Immigrant Serving Agencies (AAISA)

The first of its kind, the Enhancing National Sector Gender Based Analysis Plus Capacity project assembles a staff team from seven Umbrella organizations across the country. The project seeks to enhance the settlement and integration sector’s capacity to mainstream Gender-Based Analysis Plus (GBA Plus) within programs, policies, and procedures through a Collective Impact model. At this session, project staff will provide an overview of the project’s structure and main objectives, highlight preliminary findings and next steps, and detail opportunities for collaboration with the sector to support GBA Plus capacity building across the country.

  • Enhancing National Gender Based Analysis Plus Capacity in the Settlement and Integration Sector: Initial Reflections and Directions Forward
    Alyssa Hartwell, Alberta Association of Immigrant Serving Agencies (AAISA), Leesha Kanbour, Affiliation of Multicultural Societies and Service Agencies of BC (AMSSA), Ebony Rosa, Affiliation of Multicultural Societies and Service Agencies of BC (AMSSA), Stephanie Redden, Atlantic Region Association of Immigrant Serving Agencies (ARAISA), Amber Parker, Saskatchewan Association of Immigrant Settlement and Integration Agencies (SAISIA), Christian Ladores, Alberta Association of Immigrant Serving Agencies (AAISA), and Sally Ogoe, Manitoba Association of Newcomer Serving Organizations (MANSO)


D2 (in person) – A Grassroots Effort: Co-Constructing Policy Mastery Among Alberta Rural Renewal Communities

Chair: Meghan Cunningham, Alberta Association of Immigrant Serving Agencies (AAISA)

Alberta’s audacious provincial Rural Renewal nomination stream designated 30 rural municipalities to directly endorse newcomers as provincial nominees. Designated communities were each given near total freedom to outline their own selection and settlement processes from the ground up. However, as new actors in the complex world of immigration and settlement, municipalities may require (more formal) support to construct processes that are consistent, equitable, and procedurally just. AAISA’s Rural Renewal Summit, held in July 2023, was among the first events where all designated communities were invited to discuss challenges and best practices together. This presentation explores research findings stemming from a number of activities related to the summit. The results of this research, co-constructed with municipalities and service agencies, may rapidly become relevant on the national scale as the Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot approaches expanding operations.

  • Meghan Cunningham, Alberta Association of Immigrant Serving Agencies (AAISA)
  • Crystal Guzmán, Alberta Association of Immigrant Serving Agencies (AAISA)
  • Chloé McBean, Alberta Association of Immigrant Serving Agencies (AAISA)

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D3 (in person) – Building Homes, Building Dreams: A Deeper Look at the Intersectionality Between BC’s Settlement and Housing Sectors

Chair: Sabrina Dumitra, Affiliation of Multicultural Societies and Service Agencies of BC (AMSSA)

Despite several points of overlap, namely a shared clientele, BC’s housing and settlement sectors remain largely independent of one another. However, in the face of a growing housing crisis and record-breaking immigration numbers, it is becoming increasingly clear that overlap is inevitable and necessary. AMSSA is working closely with both sectors on a research project that examines the intersectionality between newcomer settlement and housing. The focus of the workshop will be twofold: first it will highlight the findings of the research project up to this point, second it will illustrate the ways in which the findings and recommendations that emerge from the project can be actioned.

  • Examining the Literature: What We’ve Learned About Current Housing Situation for Newcomers in BC
    Shelly D’Mello, Inter-cultural Association of Greater Victoria (ICA)
  • Promising Practices: Highlighting Housing Best Practices and Illustrating their Adaptability in Other Provinces
    Yves Trudel, United Way British Columbia
  • Looking Ahead: Discussing Next Steps and How to Action the Findings and Recommendations that Emerge
    Sabrina Dumitra, Affiliation of Multicultural Societies and Service Agencies of BC (AMSSA), and Hafsa Khan, Affiliation of Multicultural Societies and Service Agencies of BC (AMSSA)


D4 (in person) – Anti-Racist Approaches with Youth in Schools, Libraries, and Public Spaces

Chair: Katie Crossman, Bow Valley College

This session focuses on everyday practices that encourage feelings of belonging for racialized youth in libraries and other public spaces. We provide an overview of this topic and briefly share promising practices that have emerged from research in London, ON, and Calgary, AB, on lived experiences of public library spaces and community-based spaces with and for Black, racialized, and newcomer youth. We will explore how to move beyond traditional programmatic approaches. Attendees will consider how everyday acts of meaningful inclusion can foster anti-racist public spaces where newcomer and racialized youth can experience empowerment and belonging.

  • Everyday Inclusion of Racialized Youth in Libraries and Other Public Spaces
    Katie Crossman, Bow Valley College
  • Community-Based Spaces and Public Libraries for Black Youth 
    Amber Matthews, Western University

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D5 (in person) – Co-Designing for an Inclusive Tomorrow: Empowering the Settlement Sector to Build Anti-Racist Settlement Services

Chair: Julie Rodier, Social Research and Demonstration Corporation (SRDC)

Join us for an engaging workshop on co-design. The first part of the workshop will present how co-design can be used to develop programs and services that are aligned with the needs of the target population. The second part of the workshop will invite you to engage in a dialogue and human-centered design thinking to drive transformative conversations to dismantle systemic racism in settlement services as part of a research and co-design project entitled CARES: Co-designing for Anti-racism and Equity in Settlement. Together, we will delve into the power of co-design in shaping a more equitable and prosperous future for newcomers.

  • Julie Rodier, Social Research and Demonstration Corporation (SRDC)
  • Sol Park, Social Research and Demonstration Corporation (SRDC)
  • Marthe Foka, Social Research and Demonstration Corporation (SRDC)

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D6 (in person) – Connecting Emerging Scholars and Practitioners: A Roundtable for Graduate Students and Junior Scholars with Representatives of the Settlement Sector

Facilitators: Anne-Cécile Delaisse, University of British Columbia, and Takhmina Shokirova, University of Regina

Pathways to Prosperity’s Standing Committee on Student and Junior Scholar Engagement invites graduate students and junior scholars to join a roundtable with representatives of the settlement sector. This event will be an opportunity for students and junior scholars to learn more about the settlement sector, its practices and main interests with regards to research. We aim to foster an interactive and open dialogue about how the settlement sector both generates and applies research. Additionally, we will explore ways in which students and junior scholars can align their research with the needs and interests of the settlement sector, ensuring their work remains relevant and impactful.

  • Anne-Cécile Delaisse, University of British Columbia
  • Takhmina Shokirova, University of Regina
  • Farah Khattab, YMCA of the National Capital Region (Download Presentation)
  • Nabiha Atallah, Immigrant Services Association of Nova Scotia (ISANS) (Download Presentation)
  • Katie Crocker, Affiliation of Multicultural Societies and Service Agencies of BC (AMSSA), Pathways to Prosperity, and UBC Centre for Migration Studies (Download Presentation)


D7 (in person) – Turning Data Into Impact: Two Case Studies

Chair: Wessam Ayad, KEYS Employment and Newcomer Services and Toronto Metropolitan University

This workshop explores utilizing research and evaluation findings for service improvement through 2 case studies: 1. An evaluation conducted for Ready for School—a program aiding newcomer youth integration in Canadian schools, and 2. A study exploring the need among 14 selected service providing organizations to expand their EDI efforts and develop an innovative service provision model to support newcomers and other equity deserving groups in accessing services in Kingston. Topics covered include logic model development, collaborative evaluation design, and how the findings will shape future program enhancements.

  • Rethinking EDI Gaps in Service Delivery: A Case Study of Immigrant and Service Providers in Kingston (Download Presentation)
    Johnson Adebayo, KEYS Employment and Newcomer Services, Elena Soleimanzadeh, KEYS Employment and Newcomer Services, and Lisa Macdonald, KEYS Employment and Newcomer Services
  • Using Program Evaluation to Inform Service Delivery: A Case Study (Download Presentation)
    Oded Oron, Jewish Immigrant Aid Services Toronto (JIAS), Malka Elkin, Jewish Immigrant Aid Services Toronto (JIAS), and Jason Cho, Jewish Immigrant Aid Services Toronto (JIAS)


D8 (in person) – Experiences of Accessing Services Among Women Impacted by Forced Migration: Findings and Take-aways from a Cross-sectoral Community-based Research Project

Chair: Shahin Kassam, University of British Columbia

Women living within intersections including migration, gender, race, and class are disproportionately affected by limited social support, gender-based violence, and poverty. However, minimal programming and policies are informed by the experiences of this population. Through shared community-based partnership goals, we describe our research project that is grounded in multiple non-profit settlement organizations’ needs to better understand lived and living realities of women impacted by forced migration. Using an intersectionality-framed narrative approach to our research process, we critically discuss findings from these women’s stories with the intention of highlighting key take aways to inform settlement programming and policy.

  • Connecting Women Impacted by Forced Migration to Canadian Services: Initial Findings and Take Aways Targeting Settlement Programming
    Diana Ospina, DIVERSEcity Community Resource Services
  • Women Impacted by Forced Migration and their Experiences of Connecting to Settlement Services: Recommendations for Programming Drawn from Collaborative Data Analysis
    Marc Larrivée, Impact North Shore, and Adrienne Bale, MOSAIC
  • Experiences of Connecting to Settlement Services among Women Impacted by Forced Migration:  A Critical Look at Facilitators to Access and the Next Steps in Our Intersectionality-Framed Community-Based Partnership Inquiry
    Shahin Kassam, University of British Columbia


D9 (in person | en personne) – Charting a New Beginning: Facilitating the Journey of Success for Large-scale Arrivals | Prendre un nouveau départ : faciliter le parcours de la réussite pour les arrivées en grand nombre

Chair | Président : Sarosh Rizvi, Affiliation of Multicultural Societies and Service Agencies of BC (AMSSA)

We delve into the work of supporting displaced Ukrainians in Canada. With a focus on flexibility, agility and efficiency, we showcase a seamless collaboration that helps decision-making, acts as a hub for exchange of valuable community insights, and nurtures generosity. Moving beyond a showcase of accomplishments; it is an opportunity to pass on invaluable lessons to shaping response for future mass arrivals. We bring our vision: A government initiative to strengthen response for future mass arrivals, a sector perspective that response like that of Operation Ukrainian Safe Haven is replicable, and a partner’s insights on centrality of the hub for efficient response.

  • Ihor Ilko, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC)
  • Nangyalai Tanai, Affiliation of Multicultural Societies and Service Agencies of BC (AMSSA)
  • Hakan Ulaş Özdemir, Affiliation of Multicultural Societies and Service Agencies of BC (AMSSA)
  • Malini Singh, The Neighbourhood Organization (TNO)

Nous nous penchons sur le travail de soutien aux Ukrainien(ne)s déplacé(e)s au Canada. En mettant l’accent sur la flexibilité, l’agilité et l’efficacité, nous présentons une collaboration transparente qui facilite la prise de décision, agit comme une plate-forme d’échange d’informations communautaires précieuses et nourrit la générosité. Aller au-delà d’une vitrine de réalisations ; c’est l’occasion de transmettre des leçons inestimables pour façonner la réponse aux futures arrivées massives. Nous apportons notre vision: une initiative gouvernementale visant à renforcer la réponse aux futures arrivées massives, une perspective du secteur de l’établissement sur la reproductibilité d’une réponse du type de celle de l’opération havre de paix pour les Ukrainiens, et les idées d’un partenaire sur le caractère central des partenaires provinciaux et territoriaux pour une réponse efficace.

  • Ihor Ilko, Immigration, Réfugiés et Citoyenneté Canada (IRCC)
  • Nangyalai Tanai, Affiliation of Multicultural Societies and Service Agencies of BC (AMSSA)
  • Hakan Ulaş Özdemir, Affiliation of Multicultural Societies and Service Agencies of BC (AMSSA)
  • Malini Singh, The Neighbourhood Organization (TNO)

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D10 (in person) – Leveraging Employer Engagement for Successful Labour Market Integration of Newcomers with the Skilled Newcomer Incentive Bond Pilot Project

Facilitators: Samantha Iyere, Achēv, and Ayesha Bhikha, Achēv

The Skilled Newcomer Incentive Bond Pilot Project aims to enhance labour market integration for skilled newcomers. Employers can claim up to $10,000 (50% of hiring costs) from the bond if participants fail to complete six months of employment. The program includes a four-week virtual workshop to boost employability skills, followed by 12 weeks of individualized Coaching. The roundtable will look at what works, challenges, and new strategies. In addition, we will explore:

  • expectations and requirements of employers
  • strategies to improve and accelerate the labour market integration of skilled newcomers
  • employment skill enhancements to improve the employment experiences for newcomers


D11 (in person) – National Identification and Sense of Belonging in Quebec: Majority and Minority Perspectives

Chair: Antoine Bilodeau, Concordia University

This panel is organized by the Immigration Research Initiative. Since the Quiet Revolution, Quebec seeks to trace its own roadmap to address immigration and ethnocultural diversity, notably through policy instruments such as the 1991 Canada-Quebec Immigration Agreement and the interculturalism framework. As such, Quebec identity is now linked to immigration and ethnocultural diversity. This panel proposes papers that discuss issues in relation to Quebec identity and immigration, examining both the place Quebec gives to immigration and ethnocultural diversity in the construction of its national identity, and the development of a sense of identification with Quebec among neo-Quebecers.

  • Culture Learning and Culture Shedding: Acculturation Expectations Among Majority Group Quebecers  (Download Presentation)
    Audrey Gagnon, University of Oslo
  • Immigrants’ Participation in the Quebecer Group and their Identification Processes: The Quest for a Positive Social Identity (Download Presentation)
    Diana Cárdenas, Université de Montréal
  • The CAQ’s New Identity-Based Nationalism: Towards Controlling the Imagined Borders of the Quebec Nation (Download Presentation)
    Catherine Xhardez, Université de Montréal
  • Debates on Secularism and the Sense of Belonging among Racialized Immigrants in Quebec (Download Presentation)
    Antoine Bilodeau, Concordia University


D12 (in person) – Responsible AI in Settlement Services: Challenges, Social Context, and Ethical AI Solutions

Chair: Anna Jahn, MILA – Quebec Artificial Intelligence

In this workshop, we hope to explore opportunities and limitations of AI language technologies in the immigration context. We first explore the current landscape of settlement services that can be facilitated, assessed, or audited by language technologies. Then, we delve into assessing the potential for a responsible adoption of these technologies in the Canadian settlement service sectors. Some examples encompass translation services, structuring data, detecting patterns on an unparalleled scale, automatic reporting, and auditing fairness in decision-making processes. We conclude by discussing the risks and challenges of deploying these technologies, emphasizing the importance of fostering fair and inclusive technologies.

  • Promises of Language Technologies for Digital Transformation of the Immigration and Settlement Sector
    Isar Nejadgholi, National Research Council Canada
  • Inclusive and Fair Digital Transformation: Responsible Use of Language Technologies in the Immigration Sector
    Maryam Mollamohammadi, MILA – Quebec Artificial Intelligence Institute
  • Navigating the Scope and Social Context of Responsible AI in Settlement
    Anna Jahn, MILA – Quebec Artificial Intelligence

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D13 (in person) – Social and Civic Engagement of Newcomers as a Pathway to Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

Facilitators: Larry Chan, MOSAIC, and Mimoza Pachuku, MOSAIC

Each year newcomers arrive in Canada to begin what is often a lengthy process of settlement. Through MOSAIC’s Social and Civic Opportunities: Pathways to Equity (SCOPE) project, we saw the opportunity to accelerate the inclusion process in the non-profit sector, by supporting newcomers to have a voice in decision-making tables. Join us for a roundtable discussion on the benefits of social & civic engagement on the inclusion of newcomers. Learn from the SCOPE project and the perspective of government, newcomers, and community members, and share your own experiences on the impact of social & civic engagement.

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D14 (in person) – The Health for All Partnership: Co-creating an Innovative Health Clinic

Chair: Heidi Siu, Humber College

In this workshop, we will present our experience co-creating the Health for All Partnership Clinic (HAP); a student-nurse led outreach clinic that aims to provide responsive and accessible health care for underserved communities by collaborating with standing community agencies such as those in the settlement, housing, and food security sector. We will also discuss our community-academic social innovation, including our partnership care model, evaluative plans and ‘lessons learned’ to date.

  • Overview of the Health for All Partnership
    Rebecca Pereira, Humber College
  • Revisiting our Newcomer Community’s Needs for Health Post-COVID-19
    Tracy Docheff, Mennonite New Life Centre
  • Levering Community-Academic Partnerships as a Social Innovation Opportunity to Advance Community Health
    Heidi Siu, Humber College


D15 (in person) – Using Research for Program Improvements: Collaboration between Researchers and Service Providers to Build Capacity

Chair: Taylor Shek-wai Hui, Social Research and Demonstration Corporation (SRDC)

The Career Pathways for Racialized Newcomer Women (CPRNW) pilot is a research project that supported eight partner SPOs delivering the CPRNW interventions to learn, share, and improve together, and to develop skills and expertise that has since inspired further innovations in their organizations and across other programs. This workshop discusses how the research project built SPO capacity in implementing and using research findings and in service delivery. Two partner SPOs will discuss the impacts participating in the research pilot had for their organizations.

  • Creating a Community of Practice in the Career Pathways for Racialized Newcomer Women Pilot
    Kim Lehrer, Social Research and Demonstration Corporation (SRDC)
  • Learnings from the Career Pathways Program
    Colleen Penner, Opportunities for Employment
  • ENW Impact: Elevating World Skills Service Delivery Through Transformative Research
    Fatima Saadeddine, World Skills Employment Centre

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D1 (virtual) – Leveraging Technology to Connect Volunteers with Refugee Newcomers for Social Support: Preliminary Findings from a Multiyear Evaluation (Video/Vidéo)

Chair: Andrew Lusztyk, Together Project – MakeWay

In 2021, Together Project and partners, including TD Bank and Western University, embarked on a multi-year evaluation of Together Project’s Welcome Group Program, which matches volunteers with refugee newcomer households to provide social support over a period of six months. The evaluation, funded by IRCC, aims to understand the role technology plays in refugee settlement and integration, by comparing the experiences of Welcome Group matches that interact primarily virtually with those that interact both in-person and remotely. This workshop will present the preliminary findings of this evaluation, and contextualize them with regards to the program’s delivery and volunteers’ experience.

  • Designing and Delivering Remote and Hybrid Social Support Programs
(Download Presentation)
    Andrew Lusztyk, Together Project – MakeWay
  • Preliminary Findings from the Welcome Group Program Evaluation (Download Presentation)
    Alina Sutter and Victoria Esses, Network for Economic and Social Trends, Western University
  • How Evaluation Helps Improve Program Delivery (Download Presentation)
    Ahmed Barbour, Together Project – MakeWay


D2 (virtual) – Mentorship for Success Research Project: The Importance of Funded Mentoring for Newcomer Entrepreneurs (Video/Vidéo)

Chair: Catherine Wilding, ACCES Employment

Service providers of newcomer entrepreneurs offer mentoring during start-up. However, mentors are often short term or volunteers leaving newcomer entrepreneurs without support as they grow their new business, posing threats to their survival. The Mentorship for Success Research Project assesses how funding can enable impactful mentorship for newcomer entrepreneurs through surveys, interviews, and focus groups with service providers, alumni and experienced business owners. The workshop discussion will share best practices and identify gaps in the mentorship of newcomer entrepreneurs and discuss recommendations to fund mentorship that meets the needs of newcomer entrepreneurs and leads to better start-up survival rates.

  • Catherine Wilding, ACCES Employment
  • Otis Mushonga, ACCESS Community Capital Fund
  • Marlina Ramchandran, ELLA Entrepreneurship Program YSpace

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D3 (virtual) – I Can, You Can, We Can: Paving the Way Towards Anti-Racism Education in K-12 Classrooms and School Communities

Facilitators: Haebin Pan, MOSAIC, and Valeria Alcaraz, MOSAIC

Over the past few years, many school districts across Canada have taken the steps to build anti-racism initiatives in their communities. There have been insightful projects established to bring anti-racist perspectives into BC schools, such as the K-12 Anti-Racism Action Plan and Anti-Racism Learning Resources Project. However, this work needs a more holistic and integrated approach including education for parents and school staff. This session will share insights—based on MOSAIC’s ongoing advocacy for mandating the K-12 anti-racism education and experience with leading anti-racism sessions for school communities—and explore strategies for integrating anti-racism into the fabric of school system.

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D4 (virtuel) – Regards critiques sur l’immigration francophone en situation minoritaire (Video/Vidéo)

Présidente: Janaína Nazzari Gomes, Université d’Ottawa

Cet atelier abordera quatre aspects majeurs de l’immigration francophone en situation minoritaire : 1) les stratégies de recrutement; 2) l’accès à l’information concernant les modalités migratoires visant spécifiquement des candidats d’expression française; 3) les politiques fédérales eu égard à l’immigration francophone; et 4) le positionnement des institutions francophones canadiennes vis-à-vis de l’immigration. Basée sur des approches critiques issues de la géographie et de la sociolinguistique, l’analyse de ces quatre aspects permettra de faire ressortir les limites, les tensions et les contradictions des initiatives ayant pour but de favoriser l’accueil, l’établissement, l’intégration et la rétention de nouveaux arrivants francophones.

  • Recruter à l’interne : Réflexion sur le continuum migratoire et la francotropie
    Étienne Rivard, Université de Saint-Boniface
  • Du droit à la cible, du discours à l’exécution : À qui sert la politique fédérale de l’immigration francophone ?
    Luisa Veronis, Université d’Ottawa
  • De la vitalité et l’immigration francophone : Une analyse critique du discours de l’Assemblée Francophone de l’Ontario (AFO)
    Aba Sadki, Université d’Ottawa
  • Immigrer en français en situation minoritaire depuis le Brésil? Possible, mais difficile : Le manque de diffusion des politiques migratoires visant des candidats d’expression française
    Janaína Nazzari Gomes, Université d’Ottawa