Factsheet: Demographic Demand for Immigrants


  • For Canada as a whole, the period from 2009 to 2029 will be a period where the number of individuals 10 to 19 years of age (potential labour market entrants in the following ten years) is less than the number of individuals 55 to 64 years age (potential labour market exiters in the following ten years).
  • The demographic ‘gap’ between potential entrants and potential retirees represents a potential demographic demand for immigrants.
  • However, the labour market is expected to continue to grow due to the choice of individuals over 65 years of age to continue to be employed.
  • The nature of our calculated demographic demand for immigrants varies widely across the regions of Canada.
  • Some places will have less than 50 potential entrants per 100 potential retirees – suggesting a stronger demand for immigrants.
  • On the other hand, Nunavut as a whole is expected to have 267 potential entrants per 100 potential exiters, indicating strong competition for jobs (so out-migration may be expected).